The Long Shadow
The Long Shadow (1961)

The Long Shadow

(8 Ψήφοι)




The Long Shadow is a thrilling fictional look into a story about small town politics in South Louisiana. It reminds the viewer that everyone has a secret, and dances past the old adage "let sleeping dogs lie".

A little sleepy southern town that was having most its residents selling their property for a railroad buy out. A woman was killed, incidentally, because a man could not win her love merely because the woman was a lesbian.

This film reveals many unknown truths about the US's history, and how it's in many ways destroyed Black people. I was shocked but glad to learn what I did, although I'm white.

Some of the most prolific and brilliant contemporary researchers and scholars unfold real American History. Beautifully and consistently documented with care, woven with family legacies that reflect the multifaceted aspects of America's creation and existence.

This movie was long and boring. I found myself checking to see if it was almost over.

This is a compelling and honest journey into America's past by a southern white film-maker who shares her thoughts and feelings about white privilege and the "shadow" that has been cast upon America from the evils of the enslavement of Africans, including how Wall Street was designed to facilitate the slave trade and much more. This film should be a part of the curriculum of every American history class and taught in all institutions of influence.

A young female Sheriff's in Louisiana ...when the woman she loves - an attorney fighting to stop a rail deal that threatens to displace the town's poor is murdered.....

This could have been a good movie. The story is intriguing and exciting.

Amazing directing and performances, especially lead Aasha Davis. The film really nails small-town Louisiana.
